Author Archives: pcguru123

Inspiration for the Country House

By far, this was the most challenging. Not only because it still has to be close to San Francisco but it has to have a large house with room to grow. (You know the sequel – The Darkness Within) For now, the pool where Stephanie and Heather spend some time. She also realizes that she really likes one of the security team members. We may explore more this in a later book.

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Filed under Look Behind the Curtain

Inspiration for the Wedding

We all have our ideas for a wedding. Its not hard. I was married in a church. The characters in this book wouldn’t have had a wedding like I had. So, I had to do some research. I have no idea whose photos these are so I can’t give credit. This is the image I used to describe the scene since I don’t have my own with a decorated staircase.

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Filed under Look Behind the Curtain

Inspiration for the Paris Trip

As authors, we draw from our experiences. If we lack the experience, we do one of two things. 1. research or 2. get the experience.

Since, I don’t have the time or money to fly to Paris. I turn to the Internet. My first Google  search was to find out the best tourist spots. Most of them were art and museums. Go figure, it is Paris after all.

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Filed under Look Behind the Curtain

9th Grade – Day 1

Frederick pushed open the gymnasium doors and looked up into the bleachers only to find that he was among the first to arrive in the morning. “Great, now begins the debate on who will choose or not choose if the bench I occupy is filled with cooties,” he mumbled to no one. He didn’t wait long before the next bus arrived. Half-awake students filed into the bleachers. He looked at the faces of each one to see if they noticed him or not. He saw her, wide-eyed, nervous, scanning the room. She paused for a minute to decide which row to choose. Her light brown hair pulled back in a ponytail swung as she made her way.

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Filed under Lost Love - Back Story

9th Grade – Day 2

“Hey, Is this seat taken?” Michael asked.

“No,” Stephanie said.

OMG. He’s here. Don’t panic, stay calm. Eat slow. Watch your manners. OMG!! The same guy who picked on me.

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Filed under Lost Love - Back Story

9th Grade – Dec – Steph

Months later…

A nice routine occurred for months. A pleasant lunch with Michael, an escort to her next class and an accompaniment to her bus after school. But today, she hasn’t seen him all day. The final bell rings. Stephanie walked to her bus slower than usual. She took her time to look around. She saw him. He ran up to her breathless.

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Filed under Lost Love - Back Story

9th Grade – Dec – Fred

“You are not going to believe what I just heard,” said Steve.

“This must be about Stephanie,” Robert said.

“Am I going to like this?” Frederick asked.

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Filed under Lost Love - Back Story

9th Grade – Stephanie Response

Melissa and Heather stood next to Stephanie while Frederick faced her. His friends were at his side. He looked so scared. He didn’t look ugly but he wasn’t handsome, not like Michael. He definitely wasn’t confident.

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Filed under Lost Love - Back Story

9th Grade – Steph After the Rejection

The next day Stephanie sat in class, Home Ec. A classmate slid in next to her. A cute blonde.

Why don’t I know her? I have seen her before.

“You know you’re cute.” blondie said.

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Filed under Lost Love - Back Story

9th Grade – The Prom Steph and Shane

The gymnasium looked incredible with all the ribbons, lights and balloons. A photo booth stood in the corner. Stephanie’s step mom dropped her off since it was her dad’s weekend. She scanned the room looking for Shane. Before she spotted him, she felt arms embrace her. She jumped a little and spun in his arms. She met those blue eyes of his. His eyes dropped to her mouth as he moved closer.

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